1.If there were something wrong with it, don't you think the pharmaceutical company would have taken out full-page ads in the papers?
2.Then, you wake up one morning, and all that's left of your site is a full-page banner ad for a site you'd rather not be associated with.
3.If you want to see older information, select Full page in the bottom right corner of the module (Figure 5).
4.Commit this change, and perform another search. Now the title can be clicked on to take you to the full page.
5.If it's not available, you know that the request is made through a regular form post, and you should serve back a full page.
6.After first learning how to hold a brush properly, in a few months I was able to write a full page of words in my own style.
7.When he first began his speaking career, Mark Twain re-called, he used a full page of notes to keep him from getting mixed up.
8.Ajax is one of the key to reduce unnecessary traffic since you load only required contents without reloading the full page.
9.So you will be able to design full-page layouts on screen as an alternative to writing ERb (embedded Ruby) templates in code.
10.When I last touched on the NatWest Three, a full-page advertisement had appeared in at least one national newspaper.